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/* Le CSS placé ici sera appliqué à tous les habillages. */ /* Bullet points for category tree */ .CategoryTreeTag { columns: 18em; } .CategoryTreeItem::before { content: "•"; } /* Custom background color */ .mw-page-container{ background: linear-gradient(white, #ecf0f4) fixed; border: none; box-shadow: 0 0 2em rgba(0,0,0,0.1) } *{ font-family: sans-serif !important; } .mw-sidebar { background: #fff0; } .vector-menu-tabs li { background-image: url(/w/skins/Vector/resources/common/images/tab-normal-fade.png?1cc52); background-image: linear-gradient(to top,#77c1f6 0,#67f8e01a 1px,#7aedff00 100%); } body { background-color: #d9e1e9; } /* Infobox template style */ .infobox { border: 1px solid #a2a9b1; border-spacing: 3px; background-color: #f8f9fa; color: black; /* @noflip */ margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em 1em; padding: 0.2em; /* @noflip */ float: right; /* @noflip */ clear: right; font-size: 88%; line-height: 1.5em; width: 22em; } .infobox-header, .infobox-label, .infobox-above, .infobox-full-data, .infobox-data, .infobox-below, .infobox-subheader, .infobox-image, .infobox-navbar, /* Remove element selector when every .infobox thing is using the standard module/templates */ .infobox th, .infobox td { vertical-align: top; } .infobox-label, .infobox-data, /* Remove element selector when every .infobox thing is using the standard module/templates */ .infobox th, .infobox td { /* @noflip */ text-align: left; } /* Remove .infobox when element selectors above are removed */ .infobox .infobox-above, .infobox .infobox-title, /* Remove element selector when every .infobox thing is using the standard module/templates */ .infobox caption { font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } .infobox-title, /* Remove element selector when every .infobox thing is using the standard module/templates */ .infobox caption { padding: 0.2em; } /* Remove .infobox when element selectors above are removed */ .infobox .infobox-header, .infobox .infobox-subheader, .infobox .infobox-image, .infobox .infobox-full-data, .infobox .infobox-below { text-align: center; } /* Remove .infobox when element selectors above are removed */ .infobox .infobox-navbar { /* @noflip */ text-align: right; }